Where do I write my funeral wishes?

You would state your funeral preferences from within our (free) MyFuneral service. We recommend not putting this information in your Will, but creating a separate instruction for your funeral wishes that can be stored together with your Will. Just login to your account and click on MyFuneral, and step through the service from here.

There are a few good reasons for this. Firstly, your funeral arrangements have to be started quite soon after your death, but your Will has to be formally validated through the probate process with the courts. By the time your Will is accepted as your official document, the funeral would likely be over already. Your Will is an official legal document that is stored with the courts and available to the public after it has been approved. Your funeral wishes are general more sentimental and shouldn't really be included in this legal document. Finally, your Will has formal signing requirements (it must be signed and witnessed), in contrast, your funeral wishes are simply an expression of your desires. In Canada they are not legally binding, but you would expect your family and loved ones to respect your wishes. You can manually write all over your funeral wishes and edit them whenever you want; changing a Will is a more formal procedure.

In summary, they are just different types of documents. But you should use our MyFuneral service and store the document with your Will.

The opinions expressed herein by "LegalWills.ca" are designed to provide educational information only and are not intended to, nor do they, offer legal advice.