The laws pertaining to digital signing and remote witnessing of your Will are rapidly changing. During the COVID-19 pandemic, most jurisdictions introduced new laws that allowed for the remote witnessing of a Will. This meant that you could sign your Will with your witnesses on a video call, and then send the document around to the witnesses for each of them to sign in turn. In 2022 it seems that these laws will continue to be in place for the foreseeable future.
However, it is unfortunately not a very practical solution, and some juridictions require at least one witness to be a legal professional. For most people it makes sense to take precautions against COVID and sign the same document at the same time. You can sign on a table, step away from the table, and have your witnesses sign in turn each with their own pen.
Some jurisdictions however are taking greater steps to update their laws. Notably British Columbia in Canada and Nevada in the United States. They have both passed laws to accept electronic signing of documents, as well as electronic storage of documents. At LegalWills, if you are in any jurisdiction that permits electronic signing, this option is made available to you on the MyWill main menu. You are directed to set up a video call with your witnesses who can sign on their own mobile device, and your final document is then stored in your Digital Vault at LegalWills.
LegalWills has the most advanced, reliable electronic Will signing service available in the industry today.
Article ID: 59, Created: 7/26/2017 at 1:47 PM, Modified: 1/28/2022 at 1:33 PM